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Denver Landscaping Service: Wildlife Repellent Tips to Protect Your Landscaping

October 4, 2017

Denver Landscaping Service: Wildlife Repellent Tips to Protect Your Landscaping
Let’s face it: you put a lot of time, efforts, and dollars into landscaping to make your yard a haven for social gatherings or just relaxing. Even though you are technically outdoors, you may not want all the inhabitants of the outdoors to join your party, or even worse, damage the hard work you put into landscaping planets. Rabbits, squirrels, gophers, deers, and birds are just a few of the wildlife critters that can wreck havoc on your landscaping, including your vegetable garden and flowerbeds.

Keep reading for these wildlife repellent tips to protect your landscaping from your Denver landscaping service!

Keeping Your Yard on Guard

One of the very first things you can do to protect your landscaping, if your budget allows, is to install a fence. Fences are one of the easiest ways to keep neighborhood animals and wildlife such as deer, away from your yard. Taller fences will be required for deer, as they can jump higher than you think, while shorter ones should do just fine around your vegetable garden if rabbits are your main threat. You can even raise your flowerbeds or garden up and then put mesh or a short fence around the top of the beds for additional protection.

If you aren’t keen on the way fencing looks, or simply don’t have the budget for it, there are several other options you can go with. When you plant bulbs in your garden or flowerbed, cover them up with an old heavy cloth until they are ready to bloom. Any type of digging wildlife won’t want to, or be able to, dig through the cloth to eat your bulbs. If you have fruit-bearing plants, cover them up with garden mesh so birds won’t be able to get to the fruit. Additionally, be sure to pick the fruit right when it’s ripe so deer won’t be able to smell that fresh produce is ready and waiting for them in your landscaping.

Before you begin landscaping, talk with your landscaping professional to determine what kind of plants you can plant that will not only be attractive, but also help at deterring wildlife. For example, sage or lavender is appealing to the eye and nose, but not for skunks, squirrels, and deer who do not like the smell. Catmint is also great as rats, mice, and squirrels, do not like the smell of it either. You can use these plants as a protective border around others, or even your garden.

Finally, while it may not seem like it, putting birdfeeders and squirrel feeders away from your garden but in your yard will actually help prevent wildlife from going into your garden to get food. The birds and squirrels can eat the food intended for them, as opposed to the food you’re trying to grow for your own family.

While these a just a few ideas on how you can repel wildlife from your landscaping, there are so many other options. Check out 20 ways to keep deer out of your yard. Additionally, read up on our very own tips to protect your lawn from animals and pests. At Water Solutions Company, we have years of experience in landscaping, and are here for you every step of the way. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your Denver landscaping needs!

Denver Sprinkler Installation: What Goes Into A Yard Evaluation

September 27, 2017

Denver Sprinkler Installation: What Goes Into A Yard Evaluation
Before installing your brand new sprinkler system, it’s imperative to do a full yard evaluation to make a game plan. Sprinkler installation companies should all do an evaluation of your yard before they even start drawing up a contract. So much goes into planning to ensure that certain places of your yard get the water they need so your yard will be lush and full for years to come!

But what really goes into a yard evaluation? Let’s find out so you can save water and time with a lawn sprinkler system!

Size and Location of Your Yard

First, let’s take a look at the size and location of your yard this will determine the cost and what exactly we’ll install. We take into consideration not only the size of your yard, but also if there are slopes, the soil condition, and the type of landscaping you have. If you have a large yard, more sprinkler heads will be needed. If you have certain gardening and landscaping zones, we’ll place sprinkler heads at the proper spot to ensure they get watered properly and frequently.

Determining Zones

As we mentioned above, if you have gardens or landscaping we’ll need to determine the zones that need watering. Some may require more than others. Gardens will require sprinkler heads that water more gently so that vegetables aren’t ruined or bruised, and flowers keep their petals on! If you have shrubs or tall bushes, we’ll need to use high sprinkler heads that can water taller plants. Finally if you have a large grassy lawn, sprayer heads that have a consistent, even spray will be the best. The key is to make sure your sprinkler heads are watering your lawn, and not hitting sidewalks, driveways, or porches.

The Process

Once the size or your yard and the types of sprinkler heads are determined, we can start with a full evaluation for the process of installing a sprinkler system in your yard. First step: make a map of your yard including your house, landscaping, and gardens. Second, we’ll label the zones of your yard so we can tell what areas need more water than others. Third, we’ll get with a professional to determine where underlying pipes and cable lines are. We’ll need that information in order to see where we can run piping. Finally, we’ll create a list of the types of sprinkler heads we’ll need to use for the different zones in your yard, and if we want to install sensors and shutoff valves. Automatic sensors are a great feature to prevent over-watering of your yard.

If you’re in need of Denver sprinkler installation services, give Water Solutions a call today! You can read more about our sprinkler installation services, and what goes into our very own yard evaluation. With years of service and reviews under our belt, you can trust in us! We always use high quality materials and provide exceptional service for the Denver metro area. Contact us today for a free estimate!

Denver Landscaping Needs: The Benefits Of Retaining Walls

September 20, 2017

Denver Landscaping Needs: The Benefits Of Retaining Walls
Installing retaining walls has been on the up and up in the Denver metropolitan area, and for good reason. Previously only installed for practical reasons, retaining walls are now being used to create beautiful patios as well. Retaining walls are also used to take a slope or hill in your yard and transform it into a beautiful, eye-catching design. While retaining walls might be a new concept for some, they don’t have to be any longer. Here are the benefits of installing retaining walls into your Denver landscaping company!

Erosion Prevention

First and foremost, retaining walls are practical and essential for preventing erosion. In the Denver area, a lot of property has steep areas, with hills and valleys, where soil is easily lost. Avoiding erosion is crucial for your yard as if you forgo preventing it, you’ll cause expensive damages to your property that will last years on end. By installing a retaining wall, your land will stay where you want it, as the wall will fight against the land’s movement. These walls are a definite investment in stopping erosion and preventing an eroding slope in your yard.

Make Your Own Space

If your yard does contain a lot of hills or slopes, retaining walls can actually create more space for lounging or playing around in the yard. You can accent the walls with signage and plants or flowers. Retaining walls also allow you to be create and really jazz up your landscaping. They allow your yard to make a fantastic first impression, and make a grand entrance upon your neighbors. Not sure what plants would look great? Read up on trees, shrubs, and plants for your Denver landscaping needs.

Prevent Flooding

The Denver area can experience a myriad of storms throughout the entire year, rain or snow. By installing retaining walls, you are actually helping prevent flooding in your yard, as well as your neighborhood. These walls are easy to care for too, if installed properly. By the way, if you go through Water Solutions Company, you can be sure they will be! If you know that rain is coming, be sure to check the pipes so that they aren’t clogged. Retaining walls will also improve water drainage throughout your yard.

Aesthetically Appealing For Your Home

Utilize retaining walls to make your space more functional and fun for your family. You can use them to define entertainment areas highlighting your outdoor kitchen or firepit. Add seating for your guests by turning the retaining walls into seats. By doing this, you’ll create more space for everyone to lounge around and enjoy the atmosphere. Feature your favorite plants by using the space created and defined by your retaining walls. To make everything look seamless, be sure to match your paving stones with the ones you’ve already used in other areas in your yard. If you can’t find the exact match, don’t worry, you can always use ones that are similar in tone.

There are so many more benefits of retaining walls that are additional to this list. At Water Solutions Company, we can discuss what your landscape would look like with a retaining wall, and professionally install it for you. We want our customers to be 100% happy so we keep in mind your design tastes when installing. You can trust that we will provide quality service and top-notch materials. Give us a call today for a free estimate in the Denver area!

Denver Sprinkler Installation: Preparing Your Sprinkler System for Fall

September 13, 2017

Denver Sprinkler Installation: Preparing Your Sprinkler System for Fall
While the weather may still seem like the summer, we have to face the fact that fall is right around the corner - literally! The Denver area experiences fall with a mix of weather, mostly warm, but there could be freezing nights that happen overnight. Those random freezing nights can really damage your sprinkler system if you’re not prepared for the change in temperature. Learn more about Denver weather to prepare for this fall.

By preparing your sprinkler system for fall, you can ensure that your system will be able to withstand the changing temperatures, and also be ready for shutdown in the winter. At Water Solutions Sprinkler Service, we can help you prepare your sprinkler system so that it lasts throughout each changing season.

Fall is the best time to shut down your sprinkler system, and for good reason. The temperature outside will have cooled down to the point where you no longer need to run your system until the next spring, and you can shut it down before waiting too long and risk a freeze.

Unplug Your Timers

First thing’s first, unplug your timers! If you take the time and effort to remove water from your system, having your timer turn on the next day will ruin the progress you made.

Empty Out Your Water Lines and Boxes

Next step, empty out your irrigation lines and boxes of all water. If there is any water remaining, the next time it freezes you risk ruining hoses, heads, valves, and regulations. In the Denver metro area, freezing can start as early as September, and freezing temperatures can drop suddenly overnight at random.

It’s best to get the water out of your lines as soon as possible so you can prevent possible damage to your system. Schedule a time with Water Solutions as far out in advance as possible so we can come out and help you prepare for this vital step. Learn more about Denver blowouts and winterization.

Drain Back-Flow Prevention Regulators

Backflow prevention regulations keep irrigation water from flowing backwards into your drinking water supply. The Colorado government created a law that if you have a sprinkler system attached to municipal or private drinking water supplies, your sprinkler system must have a regulator attached to it.

Prepare Your Pump

Does your sprinkler system use water taken from a well or a pond using a pump? If so, you’ll need to prepare it for the upcoming freeze. In order to winterize your sprinkler system, you can put one to two cups of a standard RV antifreeze in your pump to prevent freezing throughout the winter. Once spring rolls around and you’re ready to start up your system again, it won’t hurt a thing.

Give the Water Solutions Company a ring at 720-435-1495 to help prepare your sprinkler system for fall! Our staff has years of experience specializing in sprinkler installation, maintenance, and repair, so we know what to do to help you out with your need. We offer free estimates for sprinkler systems in the Denver metro area. Contact us today for your free estimate!

What to Expect Before a Sprinkler Installation From Your Denver Service Experts

September 6, 2017

What to Expect Before a Sprinkler Installation From Your Denver Service Experts
Landscaping can be fairly simple to understand, but when it comes to the sprinkler system needed to keep your landscaping thriving, it’s a bit more difficult. Sprinkler systems have a lot going on, and various components that need to be precise for an efficient use of your investment. It’s imperative that you choose the right irrigation contractor for the job, who knows what they’re doing. Water Solutions Co. is your Denver sprinkler expert, committed to providing the best sprinkler installation services in the Denver metro area. What should you expect before you get a sprinkler installation? Let us explain what must be done before the big day.

What To Expect

Sprinkler installation is a big deal, believe us. As simple as it may sound, it’s not, and comes with a few steps that need to be done before you install the system. At Water Solutions, we start with a full evaluation of your yard. A full evaluation should be done before an install because a sprinkler system is more than just a few pipes in the ground. A professional will want to avoid possible problematic issues such as requiring additional pumps, or special equipment.

Step Two

Second, list your preferences and make sure you speak to your professional installer about them. Some companies, such as Water Solutions, have a preference for the materials we use, and the procedure we like to take. However, as the customer you might have preferences that are different than ours when it comes to the types of hardware we use or installing the sprinkler a certain way. It’s important that the professional put the customer’s preferences first because at the end of the day, customer happiness is what counts.

Step Three

Finally, the professional should absolutely ensure that your sprinkler system is in it for the long run. You want to get your money’s worth out the investment in your yard! You also won’t want to deal with costly repairs down the road, so make sure you’re utilizing a professional with the right experience. When you choose Water Solutions Sprinkler Service, we look out for your future needs. We’ll supply you with the right advice on routine maintenance and repair options you can use to keep your sprinkler system running for year after year.

The benefits of installing a sprinkler system through Water Solutions are endless. You can actually decrease your water bill, all while keeping your yard beautiful, and watering on an energy-efficient basis. Avoid the four myths about Denver sprinkler installations!

With over two decades of experience installing sprinklers in the Denver metro area, you can trust the experts at Water Solutions. We perform a thorough investigation of your lawn before installing a sprinkler system and keep in mind your preferences too. We want to make you, the customer, is 100% happy! You can trust that we will provide quality service and top-notch materials. Give us a call today for a free estimate for sprinkler installation and other sprinkler and landscaping services in the Denver area!